Yoga Journal #11

   Kaitlyn Gonzalez 

Weekly Journal 10


December 1, 2020 

    I think that the role of the body is to give us a physical body for our soul and our spirits. The body is able to give us a physical experience of being in a body, walking around, interacting with others, and living our daily lives. Alot of other experiences in our lives are based on our soul, our emotions, and our spirit. For example, take something like connecting with someone on a deeper level, that is less of a physical experience but more of a soul and mind experience. You are able to feel that connection not through your physical body, but your soul and feel as though that other person understands you on a deeper level. The role of the body is also to enhance our spiritual or soul experiences as well. Again taking the example of connecting with someone on a deeper level, you are able to have physical experiences with that other person if you so choose that enhance the connection. Whether it be a hug, kiss, or an embrace it is something that the body is able to bring us not only physically closer to someone but emotionally as well. Even simple things like touch can make you feel close to someone. Knowing this, and that many of our experiences are through our soul and spirit, it's important that we are aware of that, and I think it makes us more mindful in our day to day lives and begins to appreciate and cherish the small things in life. The body is able to give us experiences that the mind alone is not capable of. Another example of an experience that is enhanced by our body is even the form of yoga and meditation. When you meditate, it is more of a soul experience but you have the body that you are able to be rooted and connected to. Combined together, it makes our experiences that much more enhanced if we really think about it. Moreover, our thoughts control our actions, and consequently our experiences, therefore connecting the mind and body. 

    The body is seen as a vehicle for the experience of the divine because of all of these things. The body is able to give us experiences that our mind can not and enhance those experiences. Connecting it back to our mediation practice, if we focus more on the experiences of our body and the sensations, we are able to be more connected and mindful of the world around us. In a sense, this is the idea of Tantra and philosophy. To see the body as a positive experience and a way to experience and express ourselves in the world around us. As I look more into the philosophy behind all this, our body is truly a gift and gives us so much every day. Being mindful of that and even thankful every day is something I feel I need to incorporate more into my daily routine. Having that simple thankfulness for what our body does and how it connects us to the world is something I think would keep me more grounded.  That is another example of how the body is seen as a vehicle for the experience of the divine is that the body gives us the opportunity to express ourselves. Our mind and our thoughts, then contribute to our actions, speech, clothing, personality, and so much more, and what makes a person. In turn, we are able to connect with others through this and continue our 'soul experience' with others. 

    This week, I did the yoga practice before reading the prompt for this week's journal. This yoga practice was more geared towards exercise and weight loss, so it does not really fit with the mediation side of yoga. Nevertheless, since this practice was more exercise-based, I was able to feel my body more and be connected with my body. I tried to take everything slow with this practice, even some of the harder poses. I think that was something that was really helpful in connecting me with my body and the movements that I was doing.  I really enjoyed this practice because of that and that I was able to take things slow. I am noticing not only in my practice but in my own life that I am being more mindful in my decisions and actions. 



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