Yoga Journal #10

  Kaitlyn Gonzalez 

Weekly Journal 10


November 27, 2020 

    I think that meditation is so important when it comes to practicing yoga. I think that it ties everything you just did in your practice at the end. For me, whenever I practice I make sure that I am able to take time for myself and practice my own meditation. Whether it just be sitting in a cross-legged position, or laying on the floor flat, it's important that I am able to have that time. It makes me feel more connected to myself and the world around me. I am truly able to let go of all of my thoughts and worries of the day and fully relax. As time goes on and I continue practicing, I am able to be more concentrated in that space. Even though I might hear my roommates outside my door, or traffic passing by, I feel as though I am still able to contrate on my body and mediate. 

    I think that goes to show that if many practices do not have that meditation aspect implemented, the spirituality of yoga seems to be lost. It feels odd to me when you finish practice and you don't take time for yourself and to thank yourself for doing the practice and connecting to the world around you. It seems less connected that way. Without the mediation aspect, you simply are doing an exercise, then going on about your day. I like when instructors mid-way through the class remind you to be mindful and practice mindfulness in regards to sensations in your body when you are doing the practice. 

    These past couple of weeks, I have been doing more practices throughout the week. Instead of doing it just once a week, I've tried to implement it into my daily routine by doing a youtube video at least once a day for twenty minutes. As time goes on, I plan to incorporate longer practices but I wanted to start off small. This week, I opted more for a practice geared towards flexibility and more simple practice. I liked this practice because it was slower paced, and I felt that I was able to feel the stretch and truly be present at the moment. I think that is one thing that has changed my perspective on things as I have practiced more yoga consistently. I am able to be more mindful of the world around me and my surroundings. On the flip side though, this practice actually did not incorporate the meditation aspect like I like. It felt off to just hear the instructor say "well that's all we have for today" and end the practice like that. It feels as if the spiritual connection to yoga is lost when meditation is not incorporated. 



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