
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Journal Write-Up

  Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Final Journal Write Up GIS-4636-091 December 9, 2020      Over the course of this semester, I have learned a lot about myself and the yoga practice. At the beginning of the course, I was not able to do a lot of things because of my surgery. Nevertheless, learning the basics of yoga set me up for success when I was able to practice later in the semester. I've always been interested in yoga and its history, but this class enabled me to get more immersed in it and ask questions about its origins, and how it's practiced in the west versus the east and its origins. When I first was able to practice yoga after my surgery, it was a bit hard to get moving again, after being basically on crutches for 3 months. There was so much tension in my body, and my body felt weak. I think that in this way, yoga has helped me in the more physical aspect. But in many ways, it has also helped me with the spiritual and mental aspects of yoga. As I got to practicing slowly but surel

Weekly Journal #12

Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 12  GIS-4636-091 December 6, 2020      In the West, I think that yoga is taught semi-spiritual practice. I think that a lot of teachers in the West take the things that they like from eastern yoga spirituality, and pick and choose what they want to express and teach to others. They take the parts that make yoga marketable, the promises that yoga is supposed to bring you if you practice enough with them. Also, I think that when you take a class sometimes teachers connect the poses to spirituality, saying things like "connecting to the earth" "feeling the energy around you" but these are pretty vague statements and do not go into depth about spirituality. On the other hand, I think that yoga in the East is connected more to spirituality and teaching it as a spiritual practice. Even the way that young yogis learn, is to follow someone and have a guru, which proves the point further of how it is more of a lifestyle and spiritual practice

Yoga Journal #11

      Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 10 GIS-4636-091 December 1, 2020       I think that the role of the body is to give us a physical body for our soul and our spirits. The body is able to give us a physical experience of being in a body, walking around, interacting with others, and living our daily lives. Alot of other experiences in our lives are based on our soul, our emotions, and our spirit. For example, take something like connecting with someone on a deeper level, that is less of a physical experience but more of a soul and mind experience. You are able to feel that connection not through your physical body, but your soul and feel as though that other person understands you on a deeper level. The role of the body is also to enhance our spiritual or soul experiences as well. Again taking the example of connecting with someone on a deeper level, you are able to have physical experiences with that other person if you so choose that enhance the connection. Whether it be a hug, ki