
Showing posts from November, 2020

Yoga Journal #10

    Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 10 GIS-4636-091 November 27, 2020       I think that meditation is so important when it comes to practicing yoga. I think that it ties everything you just did in your practice at the end. For me, whenever I practice I make sure that I am able to take time for myself and practice my own meditation. Whether it just be sitting in a cross-legged position, or laying on the floor flat, it's important that I am able to have that time. It makes me feel more connected to myself and the world around me. I am truly able to let go of all of my thoughts and worries of the day and fully relax. As time goes on and I continue practicing, I am able to be more concentrated in that space. Even though I might hear my roommates outside my door, or traffic passing by, I feel as though I am still able to contrate on my body and mediate.       I think that goes to show that if many practices do not have that meditation aspect implemented, the spirituality of yoga seems

Yoga Journal 9

  Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 9 GIS-4636-091 November 6, 2020      When it comes to yoga, there is a vast array of different definitions. Depending on where you go, the definition of yoga is ever-changing. In the west, the definition of yoga is vastly different from the definition in the east. For example, in the west yoga is more defined by its physicality rather than its spirituality. It is seen as an exercise and way of working out, and not a way of connecting with your higher self and your body. On the other hand, yoga in the east can be more defined as something of spirituality, and more of a lifestyle that you live day today. When it comes to defining yoga within the practice space, things can get defined differently. For example, in the west, it is commonplace that you go to a yoga studio and take a class with other people. That is how yoga is defined in the west and how it is practiced. That is the norm here, even though it might be far from the original origins of yoga an