
Showing posts from September, 2020

Weekly Journal 3

  Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 3 GIS-4636-091 September 28, 2020     I think that when you ask the question if yoga is seen as more of an exercise, it is important to note the culture behind yoga. Especially after watching the films Enlighten Up and Naked in Ashes, my perception of yoga and the definition of yoga has changed for me. I believe that in our culture in America yoga is seen more as an exercise. For example, yoga brings people together and they go to a class together, as if it were a workout class. There is even a line of clothing that is being sold as athleisure known as "yoga pants" or "yoga clothes". This type of clothing that is sold and the culture surrounding yoga in America further pushes the narrative that yoga is an exercise activity, rather than a spiritual practice. On the other hand, I believe that in other countries and other places, yoga may be viewed very differently and not seen as an exercise activity, and something that you just do o

Weekly Journal 2

Kaitlyn Gonzalez  Weekly Journal 2 GIS-4636-091 September 24, 2020      There are a number of things that make your space a 'scared' space in my opinion. When I was able to practice in person with a class, there are certain things that I would look for. For me, in order for me to practice yoga, I need to be a place that is quiet, maybe with some light music, but something calming. This helps me really focus and be in tune with my body and what yoga is doing for me. When I am able to practice in a calm and quiet space, I am able to relax and the poses bring me more peace. Another thing that I like for a sacred place when practicing yoga is scents. I've been in yoga classes that might have candles or light incense burning, and I think that the light scent adds such a sense of comfort, along with the music.       When practicing at home though, this tends to be a different story. We can set up a sacred place for ourselves in our home, but most likely it will not be free of dis

Weekly Journal 1

 Assignment One  Kaitlyn Gonzalez  GIS-4636-091 September 14, 2020        For my first experience doing yoga especially online and in this new environment, was something that I need more practice in order to get used to. A lot of things have changed not only in the world but also in my personal life that has impacted the way that I practice yoga. I have now had to do chair yoga, which is something that is new to me since I have an immobilized ankle.     In the past, I have practiced yoga and enjoyed the environment of practicing with other people and having that class environment. I was regularly going to classes before the pandemic, and as you go to more classes with the same people there is a certain bond that you have.  As a result of the pandemic, this sense of class and togetherness that comes with practicing in person is lost. This is one of the main things that I had missed when I had started taking my first online class.   Nevertheless, there are a lot of benefits to doing yoga